Projectmanagement with WeShyft
Organize and structure your sustainability management
Successful sustainability management needs goals, key figures, measures and responsibilities. With WeShyft project management, all these categories can be brought together and organized in one place.
Features we offer
- Organize all sustainability activities in project management
- Choose the right optimization measure from over 350
- Break down sustainability goals into specific projects
- Break down projects into tasks and delegate
- Link sustainability goals to milestones
- Set responsibilities and track progress
We offer you a project management for a clear visualization of all your tasks. Set sustainability goals, define associated projects and divide them into tasks. Set responsibilities and define success indicators for your goals. Keep track of all projects and their developments.
With WeShyft, teamwork becomes child's play. The clear and structured user interface makes it easy to get started and work together. Invite colleagues to your workflows and communicate progress and results. This way you gain new multipliers in the company, create a uniform knowledge base and ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction.
Optimization measures
We have developed over 350 optimization measures. For each individual indicator, discover concrete ideas on how you can improve it in order to increase your company's sustainability performance. With the help of project management, the measures can be immediately assigned responsibilities and transferred to implementation.
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